Not sure if Pennsylvania folks realize the Firefly is the Pa. State Insect. It’s also NOT a fly.. it’s a beetle (Family: Lampyridae). The larva is called a “Glow Worm” and they too, have a cool little light on the abdomen. 2,000+ species world-wide, but the most common in Pa. is “The Pennsylvania Firefly” (Photuris pennsylvanicus). These cool little bugs create their cool little lights through a chemical reaction known as “Bioluminescence”. It’s a cold light vs. the warm glow of a light bulb or campfire. Unlike most insects who view the world through the ultra-violet spectrum, Fireflies see this bioluminescent light in nanometers (a measure of wavelength) and thus, the boys find the girls! It’s quite simple really.. Create some cold light and warm her heart. Enjoy these neat bugs while we have them. They’ll vanish as quickly as they appear. PICS COURTESY OF USDA, PADA.

Credit: Ryan Bridge “The BugMan”‘s Facebook Wall