My name is Ryan Bridge, and I am “The Bug Man” due to my passion for Entomology and most of all, teaching people about insects while keeping it fun and exciting! I am not however, your typical bug guy. I travel to schools, libraries, churches, community events and even birthday parties, doing a wide range of fun and educational programs, using LIVE BUGS !!
For over 40 years I’ve had a passion for Entomology and I’m eager to share it with others. I’m a 30+ year Volunteer with the York County 4-H Entomology Club, a club that I founded when I was just 9 years old (you should ask about the time a Praying Mantis egg sac hatched in my mom’s kitchen!). I also raise a wide variety of insects throughout the year and like to use them in my programs as well !
However, please don’t mistake my laid back attitude with a lack of knowledge. I’m an expert in Entomology Outreach and a 2017 recipient of the York County Environmental Educator of the Year award. I was selected to present programs for the Pa Association of Environmental Educators in 2019 and 2020 and my insect collection numbers over 150,000 insects. I have traveled the world on insect expeditions and regularly donate insects to Drexel Academy in Philadelphia and the Smithsonian Institution in Wash, DC. My collection doesn’t hide in a basement. I take it on the road so others can experience what Nature has to offer and truly see why I love insects so much!!!