Martin Mikulas

Martin Mikulas is 25 years old and lives in Jefferson, Pa. He’s married and enjoys the plethora of bug and reptile pets they keep on hand. Martin loved bugs and insects as a kid, encouraged by supportive parents to appreciate whatever spider or insect he found. At the age of 9, he joined the York Co. 4-H Entomology Club and met Ryan “The BugMan”. While in the club, he expanded his knowledge of insects, as well as fostered valuable life skills that he’s used ever since.
His experience and education gained from the club, cemented a life-long passion for Entomology and the environment. At 16, he graduated the Entomology Club, yet continues to hang around and help Ryan assist and mentor the club youth. Martin graduated Penn State University, with a BA in Agricultural Science and a Minor and Entomology… Everything from Soil Science and Horticulture, to Ag Pest Management, Plant Pathology, Integrated Pest Management, Insect Morphology, Biology and Physiology. He worked as a lab assistant in the Entomology program at the Pa Dept of Agriculture, where he became versed in ag pest and invasive species survey techniques and Taxonomy. He is now working for the USDA, as a field specialist working on the invasive, Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) and their essential food source, the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima). With his degree, Martin is our only “true” Entomologist and how proud are we, to have someone with his caliber and experience on The BugMan LLC Team?!! Although he’s a very busy guy, you can expect to see Martin educating people about bugs and insects at a wide variety of BugMan events throughout the year.